The Sumners Foundation Grant

    The purpose of the Sumners Foundation is to encourage the study, teaching, and research into the science and art of self-government, to the end that the American people may understand the fundamental principles of democracy and be guided thereby in shaping governmental policies.

    Type of Support


    The Foundation seeks to reach, educate, and motivate the general public and the current and future leaders of American society on the science of self-government. The specific efforts of the Foundation include support for:

    • Programs and activities that provide personal involvement in the political process and functions of government, such as democracy reform, civic education and engagement programs, and mock legislative sessions, as well as conferences and seminars on relevant public policy issues.
    • Teacher training on the founding documents and/or democratic principles.
    • Programs and academic contests on American democratic self-government targeting youth, educators, young professionals, and other societal leaders.
    • Other programs and activities that, in the opinion of the trustees, meet the obligations of the Foundation's statement of purpose.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type


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    Visit Apply for more information.