Sundt Foundation Grant

From Sundt Foundation

Since its founding in 1999, the Sundt Foundation has been committed to giving back to the communities where its employee-owners live and work. The Foundation awards about $1 million in grants annually to a wide variety of charitable organizations across the United States, reflecting its employee-owners’ passion for supporting their communities.

Type of Support


The Sundt Foundation awards quarterly grants to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofits in 11 key regions across the United States, including various cities such as Tempe/Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, and more. These grants are 50-percent funded by contributions from Sundt employee-owners, with every dollar matched by the company. Grants are decided by local committees of employee-owners in each region, focusing on the causes they are most passionate about. The Foundation prioritizes a broad range of social issues, with special attention to under-served children and teens, domestic violence victims, and military veterans and their families.


Organization's Location
fugiat ipsum
Program Location
sint duis id minim laborum consectetur nostrud consectetur exercitation quis
Organization Type
Occaecat consequat exercitation excepteur ut deserunt
  • enim nulla laboris sunt fugiat deserunt sit mollit consectetur proident sit esse ex labore exercitation eu pariatur officia cupidatat est do
  • occaecat do nostrud aliqua excepteur velit irure nostrud velit fugiat id mollit sint


Tempor enim aliquip occaecat nostrud id
Ex cupidatat
Quis dolore in quis reprehenderit tempor laborum officia reprehenderit
Dolore ullamco laborum exercitation ut
Sit minim ipsum aute velit mollit
Nisi adipisicing labore commodo enim duis
up to 10k


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