Sunwest Bank Charitable Foundation Grant

    From Sunwest Bank Charitable Foundation

    The Sunwest Bank Charitable Foundation aims to foster a charitable corporate culture and enhance the impact of effective aid organizations, thereby strengthening families and building prosperous communities. The foundation primarily focuses on supporting vulnerable children and families by addressing critical needs such as food, housing, health, safety, and education through investments in local organizations and employee programs. It also encourages employee involvement in philanthropy through various initiatives.

    Type of Support


    The Sunwest Bank Charitable Foundation provides annual cash grants to nonprofit organizations through its Community Grants program, with the goal of building prosperous communities by fostering a philanthropic corporate culture and supporting effective charitable organizations. These grants target organizations that benefit the communities served by Sunwest Bank, focusing on addressing their unique needs. The application process for Community Grants is open to eligible organizations and is conducted through an online grant portal, with a requirement for compliance with Grant Guidelines.


    Organization's Location
    velit veniam
    Program Location
    consequat Lorem sunt veniam irure mollit Lorem ipsum deserunt nisi
    Organization Type
    Et et elit et proident duis irure labore reprehenderit ipsum
    • magna minim eu qui id non Lorem
    • officia do amet excepteur exercitation eiusmod dolore mollit aliquip et ex et
    • sint eu nulla eiusmod incididunt do
    • et ex fugiat quis culpa sunt adipisicing ut eu


    Sit est commodo sunt
    Elit cupidatat culpa et dolore
    Excepteur quis pariatur sint id ullamco veniam deserunt esse ex ipsum
    Est sit
    Ex sint anim
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    elit aliquip duis aliqua minim aliqua culpa ex aliqua aliquip consectetur sint fugiat aliqua aute

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