TD Bank Community Sponsorships Program

    The TD Charitable Foundation supports programs that bring people together, give them access to the resources they need, and provide meaningful solutions for a sustainable and inclusive tomorrow.

    Type of Support


    The TD Bank Community Sponsorship Program supports events and activities from both for-profit and non-profit organizations that build awareness of TD and positively impact communities. It emphasizes the importance of supporting communities where we live, work, and play, and seeks to develop and build partnerships to achieve this goal. The program sponsors events, programs, projects, and activities that make a positive local impact from Maine to Florida. Through TD's corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment, the program invests in opportunities for diverse groups to come together and get involved in their local area, creating shared experiences for people from different walks of life. It supports arts and culture that reflect diverse voices, helps people feel a sense of belonging to their local community, elevates the quality of the environment, and drives economic well-being. Applications for events or programs must be submitted at least 90 days before the earliest print deadline and are reviewed four times a year, with an online application portal open year-round.


    Organization's Location
    incididunt consectetur
    Program Location
    veniam tempor laboris duis commodo sit eiusmod nulla elit qui
    Organization Type
    Aliqua culpa
    Excepteur laboris
    • velit nostrud duis officia mollit fugiat dolor proident
    • excepteur nisi cupidatat laborum irure qui consequat nostrud consequat
    • anim excepteur labore consequat anim in aliqua mollit
    • laboris ad eu exercitation deserunt dolore consequat dolore fugiat ullamco consectetur esse
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.