Community Forestry Grants Program (Human Health Equity and Accessibility)

From Texas A&M Forest Service

The Texas A&M Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program aims to work with communities to establish sustainable initiatives that ensure the health and vitality of trees and forests, recognizing their critical importance to economic, environmental, physical, and mental community well-being.

Type of Support


The Human Health Equity and Accessibility grant category is dedicated to supporting projects that aim to improve human health by strategically enhancing people’s access to treed greenspaces that promote public health. Projects funded under this category should have a demonstrable impact on public health and well-being. This could include, but is not limited to, initiatives that increase accessibility to treescapes in disadvantaged areas, reduce air pollution, mitigate heat island effects, promote physical activity, or improve mental health through nature-based experiences. Successful projects in this category address social determinants of health and work towards creating inclusive, healthy, and vibrant environments for all residents.


Organization's Location
commodo occaecat
Program Location
Organization Type
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