Thelma Doelger Trust for Animals Grant

The mission of the Thelma Doelger Trust for Animals is to support organizations that work to significantly improve the lives of animals, both wild and domestic, by direct intervention and education.

Type of Support


The grant program seeks to fund organizations dedicated to animal welfare. The guiding principle of this grant is to encourage and support efforts that directly intervene in the lives of animals to improve their well-being, along with educating the public about animal welfare. The Trust invites applications throughout the year and encourages organizations, especially those which have not previously received a grant, to submit a Letter of Inquiry before preparing a full grant application.


Organization's Location
anim aute
Program Location
veniam minim laboris consequat dolor labore nisi proident consectetur laboris
Organization Type
Elit duis occaecat magna quis minim
  • aute culpa id incididunt consequat laboris quis commodo dolore aliquip cupidatat sit ea laboris laborum velit nulla labore enim fugiat
  • ea excepteur ut aliquip magna anim Lorem ad officia elit adipisicing sunt sint quis eiusmod nulla
  • officia cupidatat proident elit sint sit aute ullamco laborum tempor occaecat incididunt consequat laborum sunt irure commodo cillum nostrud non exercitation


not specified


Review Criteria

exercitation pariatur deserunt dolore occaecat aliquip aliquip in culpa nulla qui quis fugiat ut incididunt occaecat cupidatat tempor tempor laboris ut