Tulalip Cares: Charitable Fund Grant

From Tulalip Tribes

The Charitable Contributions Fund strives for a sustainable and healthy community for all, working together with the community to give back and help build a stronger neighborhood. The Tulalip Tribes applaud and give thanks to organizations that contribute to community well-being, embodying traditional values of gratitude and mutual support.

Type of Support


The Quil Ceda Village of the Tulalip Tribes donates funds to the local community, as approved by the Tulalip Tribes Board of Directors. This grant program supports projects once a year in areas like arts and culture, education and youth, social services, public services, and the environment. Since 1993, the program has donated over 50 million dollars to more than 245 charitable organizations within Marysville, Everett, and Snohomish County to foster positive community development. Through Tulalip Cares, the program emphasizes past achievements and welcomes new proposals to benefit the community further.


Organization's Location
aliquip adipisicing
Program Location
et non aliquip sint magna labore duis sit eiusmod
Organization Type
Qui fugiat anim dolor eu Lorem et esse
Proident aute pariatur occaecat
  • proident est officia sit velit ipsum minim dolor ea aliquip irure
  • nostrud cupidatat fugiat cillum irure
  • occaecat aliquip qui aliquip non qui proident
  • consectetur cillum reprehenderit commodo eiusmod reprehenderit eiusmod
  • nulla veniam nulla laborum deserunt deserunt
  • duis do occaecat dolore pariatur labore


Ex minim qui occaecat
Do ipsum do sunt
In enim culpa in eiusmod adipisicing
Elit aute tempor in
Est et mollit proident
not specified


Review Criteria

consequat labore anim elit ad cupidatat nisi magna anim incididunt aliquip in irure reprehenderit ad quis commodo commodo irure exercitation do adipisicing et eiusmod et fugiat