Unigo's mission is centered around empowering current and prospective college students by providing them with cutting-edge tools, compelling content, and essential information to make informed decisions about their college experience. With over 1.6 million members, Unigo aims to be the premier network that supports students in navigating their educational journeys.
The Shout It Out Scholarship is designed to offer students a creative platform to express themselves openly and win financial assistance for their college studies in the process. This grant encourages applicants to share their thoughts, whether they aim to send a message to the world or simply greet their mother, using the written word as their 'megaphone.' The program is particularly geared towards those who can articulate their message most "loudly" and compellingly, with the winner receiving a $1,500 scholarship. This initiative underscores the importance of giving youth a voice and supports them financially in their academic pursuits.