The Unitarian Universalist Funding Program (UUFP) is a denominational grantmaking program of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Its mission is to promote the influence of Unitarian Universalist principles through grantmaking by supporting the work of social justice, strengthening Unitarian Universalist institutions, transforming gratitude for being into generosity of living, and making Unitarian Universalism more visible in the world.
The Fund for a Just Society provides grants to nonprofit organizations focused on addressing issues of social and economic justice. This grant supports projects that aim to create systemic change through community organizing. Funding priorities include active, specific campaigns that aim to modify the economic, social, and political structures impacting peoples’ lives. The grant values organizations that show developed infrastructure in terms of leadership, membership, and systems of accountability by the application time. Projects that are innovative, serve economically and socially marginalized communities, or are situated in less commonly served geographic areas are especially welcome. Applicants are advised to present concrete plans for creating systematic change rather than vague intentions.
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