UFAW: Small Project and Travel Awards

From Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is an independent charity focused on improving animal welfare globally. It promotes and supports scientific and educational activities aimed at understanding animals' needs, assessing and enhancing their welfare, and improving their lives through practical care advancements.

Type of Support


UFAW's Small Projects and Travel Awards target a range of activities beneficial to animal welfare. These include funding for equipment purchases, educational events, presentations, courses, and efforts towards the communication, translation, or dissemination of animal welfare information. The program supports projects related to farm, companion, laboratory, and captive wild animals, as well as free-living wild animals affected by human activities.


Organization's Location
aliquip nostrud
Program Location
Organization Type
  • incididunt ex sit ea laboris tempor
  • ea elit veniam elit ut occaecat


Ipsum incididunt duis id ullamco occaecat
Anim culpa ad anim id anim reprehenderit ipsum ipsum veniam anim
Sunt fugiat nisi veniam elit adipisicing velit esse in cupidatat
Proident in consequat nostrud exercitation tempor et sunt irure officia cillum aute adipisicing quis dolore et tempor anim
up to 3.5k


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