Community Wildfire Defense Grant: Northeast-Midwest States

    From USDA: Forest Service (USFS)

    to achieve quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people:

    Type of Support


    The Community Wildfire Defense Grant is focused on supporting communities in the wildland urban interface by implementing the goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy. These aims include restoring and maintaining resilient landscapes, creating communities that are better adapted to survive wildfires without loss of life and property, and improving wildfire response decisions. The grant provides up to $250,000 for developing or updating a Community Wildfire Protection Plan and up to $10 million for projects within such a plan that is less than 10 years old. Around $160 million is expected to be available annually for five years through this competitive process. The program requires a matching fund from recipients, which varies depending on the proposal: 10% for developing or updating a CWPP and 25% for implementing projects described within a CWPP. There is a provision for underserved communities to request a waiver for the match.


    Organization's Location
    mollit laborum
    Program Location
    mollit qui exercitation amet cupidatat nulla ea sit culpa nostrud
    Organization Type
    up to 10M


    Visit Apply for more information.