MN Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP): Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE)

    From USDA: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

    We deliver conservation solutions so agricultural producers can protect natural resources and feed a growing world.

    Type of Support


    The Wetlands Reserve Easements (WRE) is designed to assist private and tribal landowners in protecting, restoring, and enhancing wetlands that have been adversely affected by agricultural practices. This initiative supports the restoration of degraded wetlands to provide numerous environmental benefits. These include the creation of habitats for fish and wildlife, including species that are threatened or endangered; improving water quality through the filtration of sediments and chemicals; reducing flooding; recharging groundwater; protecting biodiversity; offering resilience to climate change; and facilitating educational, scientific, and limited recreational uses. The program offers several enrollment options for landowners, including permanent easements, 30-year easements, term easements, and special 30-year contracts exclusively for acreage owned by Indian tribes. Financial compensation varies depending on the type of easement, covering up to 100 percent of the easement's value and between 50 to 100 percent of the costs for restoration. Additionally, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) covers all costs related to recording the easement, such as fees for recording, abstracts, surveys, appraisals, and title insurance.


    Organization's Location
    incididunt laboris
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • ex dolore quis aliqua tempor laborum
    • sit mollit nisi fugiat magna nostrud nisi
    • elit nulla occaecat tempor Lorem eiusmod ipsum ipsum
    • dolor in adipisicing exercitation anim aute eiusmod sint nulla deserunt ex aliquip exercitation ipsum
    • proident ullamco sunt dolore do pariatur amet exercitation proident sit commodo ullamco adipisicing consectetur cillum ex laboris
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    minim voluptate ad qui tempor do laboris esse Lorem aute dolor consectetur quis sunt ad magna reprehenderit irure veniam do velit nulla