Lake Champlain Basin: Kelsey Trust- Winter Cycle Grants

    From Vermont Community Foundation

    Better Together: Inspiring giving and bringing together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.

    Type of Support


    The Kelsey Trust’s grant program has specific goals tailored towards improving the wellbeing of the Lake Champlain Basin community, focusing on several key areas for their Winter cycle. These areas include support for children-at-risk by funding programs that address their educational, emotional, nutritional, and social needs, as well as their families. Additionally, the Trust emphasizes health & nutrition by aiming to promote health and well-being in underserved populations, including programs that provide essential nutrition to needy families. The guiding principles of the grant program are to meet basic human needs—food, fuel, shelter—while supporting the overall health of the community and its environmental sustainability.


    Organization's Location
    deserunt cillum
    Program Location
    anim eu ullamco mollit anim ullamco fugiat non deserunt veniam
    Organization Type
    Officia dolor magna mollit ullamco commodo
    Excepteur elit
    • cupidatat est et esse et reprehenderit deserunt
    • laborum sunt dolore amet anim et nisi cupidatat esse dolor
    • laborum elit eu ullamco exercitation adipisicing nostrud eu culpa ad ullamco fugiat et anim irure amet duis veniam incididunt
    • occaecat Lorem commodo laboris nulla veniam qui consequat pariatur ea cillum est elit anim


    Excepteur consequat
    Fugiat ad sunt
    Elit aliqua nulla cillum aute irure mollit ipsum anim anim velit
    5K – 10K


    Required Attachments
    dolor irure nisi
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    Review Criteria