Rutland County: Hills and Hollows Fund Grant

From Vermont Community Foundation

Better Together: Inspiring giving and bringing together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.

Type of Support


The grant programs of the Hills and Hollows Fund are designed to bolster existing services, provide seed funding for promising new initiatives, and assist organizations outside Poultney in extending their services to local residents. The fund supports a broad range of causes including educational programs, services for children, the elderly, and family health, food security, community organizations dedicated to preserving the area’s cultural, built, and natural environment, projects addressing the use, and abuse of natural resources, climate change responses, and efforts to enhance community engagement and connectivity. It encourages collaborative efforts that utilize local resources, such as educational institutions, food shelves, historical societies, and special expertise within the community, aiming to promote participation and build community cohesion. The fund offers two types of grants, Hollows Grants (ranging from $250 to $1,500) for educational activities and community enrichment, and Hills Grants (ranging from $1,501 to $7,500) for projects addressing long-term and immediate community needs, with an emphasis on innovative ideas and community involvement in planning and implementation.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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250 – 7.5k


Visit Apply for more information.