VCF: Special and Urgent Needs Grant

From Vermont Community Foundation

Better Together: Inspiring giving and bringing together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.

Type of Support


The Special and Urgent Needs (SUN) grant program is designed to support Vermont nonprofits facing unexpected expenses that negatively impact their ability to fulfill their missions. This includes dealing with unbudgeted, unforeseen, and time-sensitive emergencies or taking advantage of unanticipated opportunities that will enhance their work. Specifically, the program offers financial assistance to nonprofits affected by storms and flooding, allowing requests up to $5,000 for physical repairs, loss of revenue, and other related urgent needs. Beyond disaster relief, the SUN program also funds non-disaster related emergencies, such as emergency repairs, essential equipment and technology replacement, and the provision of unexpected services that are vital for an organization’s operation. Additionally, the program considers funding for unexpected opportunities that significantly enhance an organization’s mission. Priority review is given to requests related to storms and flooding relief, aiming for a swift grant decision process.


Organization's Location
nostrud tempor
Program Location
Organization Type
Ad consequat in deserunt cillum anim
In qui
Minim cupidatat Lorem occaecat dolor
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Fugiat labore amet veniam do ex
Est pariatur nisi Lorem adipisicing nulla
up to 5k


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