Supporting Transitioning Foster Youth Grant

The Foundation's mission is to support Hawaii’s transitioning foster youth through alignment with the goals of both the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative and the Hawaii Youth Opportunities Initiative. Its focus is on empowering these youth towards achieving improved outcomes in areas such as permanence, education, employment, housing, health, social capital, and financial capability.

Type of Support


The Supporting Transitioning Foster Youth Grant aims to provide targeted support to Hawaii's transitioning foster youth. The grant program encourages proposals that are in harmony with the objectives of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative and the Hawaii Youth Opportunities Initiative. Priority is given to projects that effectively involve youth in their development process and promise enhanced outcomes in vital life domains including: establishing lifelong connections with reliable adults and family networks, achieving educational and employment success, securing stable and affordable housing, accessing comprehensive healthcare, building supportive community relationships, and developing financial literacy and independence. Programs achieving these goals receive funding consideration.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Tax-exempt organizations in Hawaii
Nonprofit organizations
501(c)(3) organizations
Religious organizations exempt from taxation
Units of government
  • Programs must primarily serve current or former foster youth, age 14-24
  • Youth must have been in state child welfare or mental health systems after their 14th birthday
  • Eligible youths may have been adopted or legally reunited with their birth families before the age of majority
  • Consideration of requests is in relation to the size of the organization's operating budget
  • Unless solely serving current or former foster youth up to age 24, administrative fees are limited to 5% per grant award
  • The foundation will determine what costs are considered administrative
  • Grants can be requested for up to three years, with funding for subsequent years contingent on satisfactory progress reports


Capital request entities
Endowment requestors
10k – 75k


Visit Apply for more information.