Virginia Humanities aims to share and celebrate the diverse stories of all Virginians, promoting connection with the state's history and culture to foster understanding and community cohesion. As part of the nationwide network of humanities councils established by Congress and supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, it works to make the humanities accessible to all, focusing on non-partisan engagement and unified by strategic themes that embed the humanities in the daily lives of Virginians.
The grant program offered by Virginia Humanities supports projects that delve into Virginia's rich history, culture, people, and communities, as well as examine contemporary issues affecting the state's residents. Specifically, the Rapid Grant option is designed to provide quicker funding for projects of smaller scope and shorter duration, lasting up to nine months. The initiative encompasses a broad understanding of the humanities, including but not limited to studies in history, philosophy, religion, languages, literature, and the arts, aiming to foster empathy, compassion, and understanding to contribute to a more equitable society.
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