WV Nonpoint Source Program: Additional Grant Opportunities (AGO)

From West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection

To promote a healthy environment

Type of Support


Additional Grant Opportunities (AGOs) aim to address nonpoint issues in water bodies that may not be classified as impaired. They provide funding for special projects outside the scope of regular watershed project grants. AGOs have flexible announcement dates within the fiscal year, and West Virginia's Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program welcomes initial proposal ideas or letters of inquiry (LOI) through its LOI portal before and after funding announcements are made.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Must support the project with a 40% match of the total project cost
  • Includes measures of success
  • Facilitates partnerships with governmental entities, educational institutions, business, and citizens groups
  • Cost-effective and achievable within a reasonable time period
  • AGO funds available for a limited time, usually less than two years after proposal approval
  • Project must be nonpoint pollution related
  • Must fit the mission of the NPS Program and benefit the watershed and/or public
  • Likely could not qualify for a watershed project proposal
  • Organization must be viable with the capability to complete the project
  • Budget and funding request must be reasonable
  • Organization must have a track record of completing projects and managing grant funds responsibly


Organizations where monitoring, education, planning, and administration costs exceed 20% of the total watershed project grant
Entities whose costs are not specific to the watershed project but part of overall operational expenses
Groups intending to exceed the expenditure ceiling for monitoring and education without justification in the approved workplan
Applicants planning to allocate more than 10% of the total request to administrative costs
Organizations expecting NPS Program funds to cover the costs of food.
2k – 15k


Visit Apply for more information.