Wichita Wagonmasters, the Good Life Grants

From Wichita Community Foundation

The George R. Tiller, M.D. Memorial Fund for the Advancement of Women’s Health aims to honor Dr. Tiller's vision by supporting initiatives that help women help themselves. It focuses on empowering vulnerable women through comprehensive health services, support, and compassion, enabling them to achieve their dreams while prioritizing the importance of reproductive health.

Type of Support


The Good Life Grants program focuses on funding programs that have a positive impact on the Wichita, Kansas community. Key areas of support include:

  • Programs that serve the Wichita area exclusively.
  • Initiatives that provide new solutions, avoiding duplication of existing services.
  • Efforts that promote collaboration among nonprofit organizations.
  • Creative and practical approaches to address community challenges.
  • Organizations that are financially sound.
  • Projects that leverage other sources of funding.
  • Programs with measurable outcomes.
  • Organizations demonstrating sustainability now and in the future.
  • Efforts that focus on both prevention and remediation of issues.
  • Funding can also be allocated for capital equipment, improvements, and construction projects.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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