The Wyoming Arts Council provides leadership and invests resources to sustain, promote, and cultivate excellence in the arts. They envision a Wyoming where the arts are integrated into the economy, education, and everyday life of its citizens. Their philosophy underlines the arts as a foundation for community development, education, economic development, health, and cultural vitality. They emphasize the role of the arts in understanding our world, preserving cultural history, fostering innovation, and preparing citizens for a creative and productive life.
The Arts Access Project Grant aims to fund art projects that increase accessibility to the arts. This grant supports organizations that either increase arts access for people with disabilities, are led by and/or serve BIPOC communities, involve folk & traditional arts and artists, or are located in rural communities with a population of less than 3000. Organizations that have not received a Community Support Grant can receive up to two Arts Council grants for different programs or events, based on the criteria of each specific grant.