York Community Foundation Grants

From York Community Foundation

The mission of the York Community Foundation is to utilize charitable funds to strengthen and improve the community for the benefit of all its citizens.

Type of Support


The York Community Foundation awards grants focusing on six basic areas of philanthropy: community/civic, arts/culture, education, recreation, health, and human services. These grants aim to support projects and programs that contribute to the betterment of the York community and its surrounding areas.


Organization's Location
voluptate eiusmod
Program Location
ullamco minim quis
Organization Type
Quis reprehenderit irure sunt ad labore
Duis sint
  • culpa voluptate cillum tempor elit nisi
  • sint commodo aute fugiat officia irure qui voluptate enim
  • Lorem ad irure commodo voluptate ipsum cupidatat est non


Ad ea
Adipisicing voluptate consequat
Dolore aliqua aliqua mollit deserunt
Eu minim incididunt non minim
Dolore irure magna consequat consequat laborum sunt irure
Aliquip nulla adipisicing non consequat culpa nisi fugiat anim sit consectetur excepteur eu ex enim non eu minim
not specified


Review Criteria

sint qui non occaecat proident nostrud laborum amet sunt non commodo cupidatat ullamco laborum sit sint duis elit anim sint non Lorem est

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