YCF: Think Big for Kids

From Youthbridge Community Foundation

Think Big for Kids aims to fund innovative, bold, and ambitious projects that can transform the lives of children and youth in the community. While specific details on the broader mission are not provided, the focus on stimulating innovative thinking and supporting big ideas to serve young people indicates a commitment to fostering positive change and addressing critical needs for children and youth.

Type of Support


The Think Big for Kids grant program is centered around supporting proposals that are innovative and have the potential to significantly impact the community of children and youth. It encourages initiatives that are inspired by critical needs identified in community-wide assessments and reports, such as For the Sake of All, Forward through Ferguson, Ready by 21, and Missouri Kids Count. The grants aim to back projects addressing a variety of issues, including quality early childhood development, school health programs, mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention, childhood hunger, homelessness, and combating child abuse/neglect. Successful proposals will demonstrate a clear plan for utilizing these reports to inform their project and show measurable contributions towards solving these pressing problems.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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