Donation RequestsNov 08, 2021
    Image for Walmart Donation Request

    Walmart Donation Request

    Learn more about Walmart and Sam’s Club’s in-kind donations, regional grant programs, and charitable community involvement

    Walmart—well-known for their comprehensive offering of food, furniture, clothes, and home and personal care products—could be a great match for in-kind donations for your next fundraiser. With a variety of philanthropic programs and locations across the country, what can Walmart offer your organization?

    We did the research for you, to make planning your next event as seamless as possible. See how you can submit a Walmart donation request below.

    Does Walmart provide in-kind donations?

    Walmart will provide product and gift card donations to your nonprofit organization. You can make a Walmart donation request by visiting your local store. Sam’s Club is owned and operated by Walmart. You can also make a Sam's Club donation request for products and gift card donations.

    If you are looking for product and gift card donation, the following companies are similar to Walmart and also donate. Select any of the links below to be directed to the company's donation program information.

    Outside of department stores like Walmart, the following regional grocery and supermarket chains also donate:

    I’m interested in monetary donations or grants. Can I make a Walmart donation request for grants?

    Walmart’s larger corporate giving efforts are focused on grants ranging from $250 to $5,000, or upwards of $10,000 depending on the program. If you’re seeking a monetary donation, consider Walmart’s Local Community Grants and Northwest Arkansas Grants. These financial grants are provided to registered nonprofits who align with their work in creating opportunity, advancing sustainability, strengthening community, and fostering racial equity.

    Walmart’s Local Community Grants is a nationwide program that seeks to provide monetary support for organizations benefiting their local community. A Walmart donation request for these grants can be made for amounts between $250 to $5,000 dollars. Interested nonprofits and other organizations may apply for multiple grants within an annual grant giving cycle, which lasts from February 1 to December 31 in 2021.

    Walmart’s Northwest Arkansas Grants are much narrower in their qualifying criteria, but offer significant monetary support for nonprofits and other organizations working within Arkansas’ Benton and Washington counties. With a minimum donation of $10,000, this grant program seeks to provide targeted support to the community where their first store was established.

    The Northwest Arkansas program focuses on two key values: “Improving Access and Availability to Healthier Food” and “Strengthening Community Cohesion”. Special consideration is given to “proposals that demonstrate measurable outcomes and address issues within underserved communities”, according to Walmart’s guidelines. While Walmart donation requests for the Northwest Arkansas program are no longer open for the year, the Local Community Grants program is accepting requests until the end of December.

    Who can apply for Walmart’s grant programs?

    Walmart gives grants to nonprofits and organizations serving the public interest, including:

    • A recognized government entity: state, county, or city agency, including law enforcement or fire departments, that are requesting funds exclusively for public purposes;
    • A K-12 public or private school, charter school, community and junior college, state and private college or university;
    • A church or other faith-based organization with a proposed project that benefits the community at large such as food pantries, soup kitchens, clothing closets, etc.

    Be sure to check Walmart’s guidelines for groups that may be excluded from their eligibility criteria. Groups excluded from submitting a Walmart donation request include:

    • Individuals
    • Association/chamber memberships
    • Athletic sponsorships (teams/events)
    • Faith-based organizations when the proposed grant will only benefit the organization or its members
    • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns

    What are other ways in which Walmart interacts with communities and pursues social good?

    Nonprofits can participate in Good360’s Walmart Truckload Program, which offers truckload deliveries of goods sold in Walmart stores. Potential products include health and beauty products, home goods, clothing, baby and toddler products, toys, electronics products, and more. Food products are excluded from this list. In order to be considered, nonprofits are encouraged to first apply to Good360’s Direct Truckload Program. Members must demonstrate logistical capacity and proof of financial history to be eligible, which includes a warehouse of at least 500 square feet; a loading dock and pallet jack or forklift; and annual revenue of $50,000.

    Walmart also offers a Concept Note program, in which they provide grants to nonprofits who can manage and distribute grants to a broader, nationwide network of related nonprofit organizations. Their current focus is on funding organizations that “support underserved and food insecure households”. Importantly, this program also excludes athletic sponsorships, political causes, and scholarship expenses; those interested should refer to the program exclusions listed on the site.

    Where can I find the aforementioned Walmart donation request information?

    Cover photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

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