Image for Habit Burger
    No longer donating

    Habit Burger

    The Habit Burger Grill is an American fast casual restaurant chain that specializes in chargrilled hamburgers.

    What they donate

    Gift card(s), Food vouchers (Chartickets)

    Who they donate to

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    ·3 reviews

    Olney Lions Club
    August 2022·Approved
    Wonderful experience. Surprised to see 10 gift cards for Char Burgers with cheese. gift cards can be used to purchase anything else on the menu if desired. Very nice letter accompanied the donation wishing us much success with our Silent Auction.
    Canine Guardians Assistance Dogs
    July 2022·Approved
    Easy! I love the plant burgers! They donated 10 GCs for a Char Burger
    September 2021·Approved
    Very easy to request a donation. I received their donation in the mail about 2 weeks after the request.
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