3M Educational Grants

From 3 M Foundation

3M Health Care Business Group is dedicated to enhancing patient care and providing support for independent education across the medical and broader healthcare community.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on Health Care Professional (HCP) Education, aiming to improve patient care through the provision of grants that support educational initiatives and programs within the healthcare sector.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Academic institutions
Accredited providers
Professional societies
Medical associations
Patient advocacy groups
  • Must independently control and select program content, faculty, and attending Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) in training
  • Must use funding to support bona fide educational initiatives
  • Initiatives must involve a scientific exchange of information, including teaching labs, with a medical focus on HCP and/or patient education


Organizations requesting unrestricted grants
Requests involving golf tournaments, outings, gala dinners, capital campaigns, multi-year commitments, religious organizations not serving the general public on a nondenominational basis, political activities, fraternal and athletic groups
Requests for normal organizational overhead like computer equipment purchase, staff training
Requests conditioned on the organization's agreement to purchase, lease, recommend, use, or arrange for 3M products
Requests influenced unduly by 3M employees
Individual healthcare professionals (HCPs), physician practices, patients, or in the name of an individual HCP
Requests to reimburse registration, seminar fees, or travel expenses for HCPs attending third-party educational conferences
Organizations on the OIG LEIE or the GSA EPLS
Requests from organizations for Investigator Sponsored Research of 3M products.
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.