The Abelard Foundation is a family foundation committed to supporting progressive social change since 1958. It aims to back initiatives that foster a more democratic, just, and equitable society through various forms of community organizing and empowerment.
The Abelard Foundation-East focuses on projects east of the Mississippi River, supporting local initiatives that drive progressive social change. The grantmaking program primarily awards grants for general support with an average size of $10,000, considering up to two one-year renewals. Annually, around 15 grants are distributed, emphasizing community organizing, civic and electoral participation to achieve their goals. Grantees are engaged in activities that advance civil rights, immigrant and worker rights, and promote community control over decisions impacting their lives. Abelard East does not prioritize specific issues but supports a broad range of activities related to social, racial, economic justice, and civil and human rights, serving disenfranchised groups such as poor and low-income individuals, immigrants, workers, people of color, and the disabled.
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