Seward Community Foundation Mini-Grant Program

From The Alaska Community Foundation

The mission of the funder is to honor children and provide for the needs of Anchorage School District high school choirs, thereby ensuring their continued growth and community engagement.

Type of Support


The grant program seeks applications from qualified, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations, including Tribal entities, schools, and faith-based organizations, that operate in or serve the communities of Seward and/or Moose Pass. Mini-grants of up to $1,000 are offered as a flexible funding opportunity. These grants are intended to support a wide variety of community needs, including health and wellness, education, outdoor activities, arts and culture, and community development.


Organization's Location
Program Location
AK (Kenai Peninsula Borough)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Tribal entities
Faith-based organizations
  • Located in the Seward/Moose Pass area
  • Support charitable organizations and programs
  • Must detail measurable and achievable outcomes
  • Demonstrate other sources of support, collaboration, and/or cooperation
  • Address the sustainability of the proposed program or project


For-profit organizations
501(c)(4) entities
501(c)(6) entities
Non-Alaska based organizations
Private or family foundations
State and federal government agencies
Ad hoc groups without tax-exempt legal status
Applications focused on religious indoctrination or other religious activities
Endowment building
Deficit financing
Fundraising activities
Activities of a political nature
Proposals for ads, sponsorships, or special events like fundraisers
Proposals that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, marital status, sexual preference, age, disability, creed, or ethnicity
up to 1k


Review Criteria

Applications that demonstrate the potential to benefit a wide array of residents in the Seward/Moose Pass area will be prioritized.