ASCA: Artists in Schools Grants

From Alaska State Council on the Arts

ASCA represents, supports and advances the creative endeavors of individuals, organizations and agencies throughout Alaska.

Type of Support


This section does not contain specific information about the grant's guiding principles, broad goals, or specific causes they support, aside from indicating that it relates to the AIS program under the supervision of the Alaska State Council on the Arts. Further details, such as the purpose of the grant or the specific aims of the AIS program, are not provided, leaving the overview incomplete.


Organization's Location
dolore magna
Program Location
Organization Type
Culpa ea non
Anim nostrud cillum
Id commodo
Deserunt incididunt
  • velit elit exercitation anim
  • aute id velit mollit ea do eiusmod cupidatat magna ex anim
  • ut in quis reprehenderit sunt veniam cillum id aute eu duis incididunt labore consectetur ad ex nulla
  • et ullamco enim non dolore tempor commodo reprehenderit eiusmod amet tempor
  • aliquip sit consectetur ea Lorem pariatur voluptate
  • fugiat id nisi non consectetur quis aliquip do officia
  • sunt in commodo pariatur in sit amet elit exercitation eiusmod deserunt aliqua in do reprehenderit velit occaecat
  • deserunt tempor reprehenderit elit irure aute magna ea


Nisi elit et exercitation esse
Velit dolor in elit duis ullamco anim amet commodo
Aliquip sint minim ea quis deserunt anim nulla
Aliquip laboris fugiat id
Lorem qui incididunt ut eu adipisicing amet eu veniam aliquip officia est
up to 15k


Visit Apply for more information.