Albemarle Foundation Grants

The mission of the Albemarle Foundation is to make a positive, sustainable difference in the communities where they live and operate. Created by Albemarle in 2007 as a private endowed 501(c)(3) entity, the foundation focuses on nurturing communities and promoting philanthropic efforts among employees and retirees. The foundation aims to build on its history of commitment to create an even greater, more sustainable, and profound impact on the communities they consider home, empowering employees to grow the good locally and beyond.

Type of Support


The Albemarle Foundation grants focus on making a profound impact in the world by supporting sustainability within communities through three main areas: Education, Health and Social Services, and Cultural Initiatives. In Education, they prioritize programs that enhance educational outcomes, believing in the power of education to unlock potential. For Health and Social Services, the foundation supports organizations that relieve community distress and help individuals achieve their full potential, focusing on building healthy communities, investing in youth, meeting basic needs, strengthening lives, and striding toward independence. Cultural Initiatives are aimed at fostering community relationships through support to a variety of organizations and causes, reflecting the diverse cultures and interests of their employees.


Organization's Location
labore proident
Program Location
nostrud consequat ullamco adipisicing tempor cupidatat nostrud aute Lorem duis
Organization Type
Incididunt aute
Laboris tempor
Culpa irure veniam
  • tempor sunt aliquip esse elit tempor
  • aliqua qui eiusmod in
  • dolor aute anim esse adipisicing
  • voluptate eiusmod incididunt exercitation sunt
  • ex sint dolor dolor sint
  • sit ad quis sint excepteur
  • reprehenderit qui pariatur elit ex
  • reprehenderit sunt deserunt laboris enim occaecat
  • adipisicing ea id enim
  • magna ullamco sit irure
  • non esse qui excepteur nisi
  • cillum enim proident dolor


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