Global Impact Cash Grants

Cisco welcomes applications from community partners worldwide who align with their mission to innovate in addressing critical social challenges. Their dedication is to enable nonprofits through technology, enhancing productivity, scalability, and cost efficiency with a measurable impact. They focus on areas such as Cisco Crisis Response, education, economic empowerment, and climate impact and regeneration.

Type of Support


Cisco's Global Impact Cash Grants support innovative programs within specific investment areas: education, economic empowerment, and crisis response. They back nonprofits and NGOs that propose tech-based solutions for education that improve access and outcomes, emphasize STEM and literacy, and address environmental sustainability. For economic empowerment, the focus is on tech-enabled solutions that provide knowledge, skills, and resources for resilience and economic security, targeting skills development, inclusive entrepreneurship, and financial inclusion. In crisis response, Cisco supports efforts in essential needs like shelter, water, food, and disaster relief, aiming for sustainable futures and excluding healthcare solutions. Additionally, Cisco commits $100 million through the Cisco Foundation for climate impact initiatives, including innovative solutions for carbon drawdown, ecosystem regeneration, and community education, prioritizing measurable outcomes in greenhouse gas reduction, resource management, and green job creation.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and classified by the IRS as a public charity
Organizations outside the U.S. that are equivalent to a U.S. public charity
  • Must serve an audience greater than 65 percent economically underserved relative to the average standards of the target geography
  • Must focus on crisis response, access to education, or economic empowerment
  • May also address environmental sustainability within the context of the investment area
  • An organization's overhead is not to exceed 25 percent, with some case-by-case exemptions
  • Generally, does not make grants to colleges and universities
  • Must adhere to Cisco’s policies related to non-discrimination, religious proselytizing, non-support of violence and terrorism, advocacy, lobbying, and other political activities


- General operating expenses not directly associated with the program
Research programs
Membership-based activities
Programs serving or promoting one culture, race, religion, population group, or political viewpoint
Religious, political, or sectarian organizations - Private or public hospitals
Hospital foundations
Medical centers and research centers - Programs improving physical or mental health - Private, public, or charter schools
School foundations, booster clubs, fundraising organizations
Scholarships, stipends, loans
School-related activities like field trips, research programs - Sustaining existing programs, interventions, or solutions
Geographic replication through sponsorships
Purchasing 3rd party technology solutions
Paying ongoing operational expenses for salaries, supplies, student tuition, funding scholarships, purchasing equipment, recurring utilities - Athletic events, competitions, tournaments
Conferences, seminars, workshops
Festivals, field trips, recreational events
Fundraising events or sponsorships - Capital building funds, challenge grants, grant-making organizations including private, family, school foundations
up to 75k


Visit Apply for more information.

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