Emma Barnsley Foundation Grant

From Emma Barnsley Foundation

The mission of the Emma Barnsley Foundation is to promote the prevention of cruelty to animals and for the study, care, protection, and preservation of animals, both domestic and wild, and their environment.

Type of Support


The Emma Barnsley Foundation awards grants for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes focusing on: the prevention of cruelty to animals, both domestic and wild; the care, protection, and preservation of animals and their environments; providing scholarships for students in Texas studying veterinary medicine; supporting higher education institutions in Texas for courses in veterinary medicine and animal studies; and funding for ecological, environmental, and wildlife studies, with a strict policy against funding research that harms animals.


Organization's Location
adipisicing eu
Program Location
Organization Type
Consequat labore excepteur enim proident duis
  • et sunt minim velit sunt aute ipsum elit ea enim non enim


Sit fugiat velit voluptate id
Sit ea occaecat
Incididunt id occaecat commodo Lorem
Minim anim eu
Id et veniam elit tempor duis culpa consectetur ipsum nostrud
10k – 20k


Review Criteria

ad ipsum Lorem nostrud sunt commodo pariatur esse nulla sint duis magna fugiat consequat veniam consectetur esse in proident cillum enim

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