Climate Ride is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on organizing charitable events to raise awareness and support for sustainability, active transportation, and environmental causes. Since its inception in 2008, Climate Ride has dedicated its efforts to funding organizations that work on sustainability, bicycle advocacy, conservation, and climate change, distributing nearly $11 million to over 325 organizations.
The Climate Ride Grants program is tailored to support organizations working within the realms of sustainability, bicycle advocacy, conservation, and climate change issues. To qualify as a partner beneficiary, organizations must pledge to conduct outreach and mobilize supporters to choose them as a beneficiary for any Climate Ride event. This partnership aims at fostering a mutual beneficial relationship, where organizations dedicated to these causes can gain financial support by engaging with the Climate Ride community. Interested organizations or individuals nominating organizations are encouraged to initiate a dialogue with Climate Ride to explore potential partnership opportunities.
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