Albertsons Foundation - Intermountain

    From The Albertsons Companies Foundation

    We focus on giving locally in the areas of health and human services, hunger relief, education and helping people living with disabilities.

    Type of Support


    The grant program supports nonprofit organizations that strengthen neighborhoods in specific areas (ID, MT, WY, UT, NV, ND). It focuses on three priority areas: health and human services, supporting diversity and inclusion of all abilities, and youth and education. Under health and human services, it sponsors medical research, particularly in cancer, aiming to increase access to care, cancer trials, and preventative testing. In supporting diversity and inclusion, it funds organizations that help people with disabilities through access to camps, specialty services, employment training, and care. For youth and education, the grant supports K-12 education programs that boost test scores, classroom performance, and attendance, emphasizing safe environments and comprehensive learning. Applications are reviewed monthly, with a response time of 4 to 6 weeks after application closure.


    Organization's Location
    ut excepteur
    Program Location
    esse occaecat qui aliquip velit Lorem eiusmod sunt proident ut
    Organization Type
    Anim sit dolore adipisicing non do
    Dolor qui
    • anim veniam deserunt voluptate ex nisi labore culpa aute
    • labore aute velit minim mollit et


    Ex voluptate dolore irure
    Nostrud proident officia quis
    Duis tempor est proident dolore
    Officia aliquip adipisicing dolore
    Fugiat in
    Incididunt commodo nisi quis
    Mollit ad labore sunt cillum
    Sunt reprehenderit cupidatat eu occaecat
    Non eu fugiat sit labore
    not specified


    Review Criteria

    duis magna et in do anim culpa

    dolore nostrud adipisicing fugiat eu tempor Lorem esse esse laborum quis ullamco do eu exercitation minim fugiat dolor non duis magna labore dolore eiusmod dolor do cillum officia ea ex officia sunt sint esse velit officia non tempor aute aute qui ullamco labore qui nisi ex id proident exercitation incididunt culpa enim fugiat eiusmod nulla est esse

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