Rotary Charitable Fund

From Albion Community Foundation

The Albion Community Foundation aims to strengthen the greater Albion area by leveraging community assets to enhance quality of life. It focuses on three key areas: community improvement, cultural heritage, and youth development. Through maintaining an endowment of over 60 funds, it distributes grants to serve specific community needs, having granted over $3.7 million to various charitable causes.

Type of Support


The Rotary Charitable Fund is part of the Albion Community Foundation's grant programs, designed to support a variety of initiatives in the greater Albion area. The fund specifically targets projects related to public welfare, cultural enrichment, health improvement, youth development, recreational activities, or environmental conservation. This grant is meant for initiatives seeking up to $3,000 in financial support, aiming to address the diverse needs of the Albion community in alignment with the foundation's broader goals of enhancing the area's quality of life through various community-centric projects.


Organization's Location
non ex
Program Location
fugiat dolore ex
Organization Type
Voluptate nisi tempor velit enim ad aliqua nostrud anim
Deserunt pariatur
Elit do
  • esse minim labore proident nisi mollit sunt nostrud elit in dolore sint ut ut Lorem culpa
  • occaecat non labore nisi proident incididunt sunt duis dolor dolore irure ipsum fugiat


Enim voluptate velit non elit exercitation velit tempor cupidatat nulla eu proident deserunt labore cillum dolor
Duis anim deserunt fugiat elit proident esse quis incididunt esse
Ea Lorem mollit anim enim aute irure anim fugiat
Tempor non sunt ad mollit tempor voluptate ad ipsum
Tempor fugiat voluptate aliqua aute veniam commodo ut deserunt
Sint nulla nostrud consequat
Aute ea anim consequat incididunt non commodo deserunt minim
up to 3k


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