Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in the communities it serves by supporting initiatives across community and neighborhood development, health and human services, arts and culture, education, and the environment. Financed by WEC Energy Group stockholders, the foundation matches employee charitable contributions, offers scholarships, and runs programs that align with its mission, contributing nearly $1.4 million annually.
The WPS Foundation's grant program primarily focuses on enhancing community well-being and cultural richness. It supports projects that promote diversity in the arts, foster community improvement efforts, enhance educational opportunities and partnerships, conserve natural resources, and improve health and wellness across communities. Awards are also given to capital projects, the United Way, and start-up programs in regions supplied with gas or electricity by WPS, reflecting a broad commitment to societal improvement and environmental stewardship. Each utility region served by WPS has its Contributions Committee to review donation requests based on community needs and the foundation’s budget, ensuring locally-informed decision-making.
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