The Johnson Ohana Foundation, founded in 2008 by musician Jack Johnson and his wife Kim, is dedicated to promoting positive and lasting change within communities. It supports organizations focused on environmental, art, and music education, aiming to foster community involvement and solution-based approaches to environmental and societal issues.
The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation places its grantmaking focus on organizations with strong community ties, primarily funding smaller groups that address issues relevant to their local areas. It emphasizes support for innovative nonprofits engaging youth and/or volunteers in projects with tangible benefits for either the environment or community. The grants target organizations focusing on environmental education, and arts and music education for youth. Fields of interest include initiatives related to oceans, rivers, watersheds, plastic-free efforts, renewable energy, sustainable living, sustainable local food systems, farm to school programs, tree planting/restoration, and conservation. A specific funding theme, which periodically varies, currently centers on sustainable local food systems. Grant amounts range from $2,500 to $20,000, applicable to specific programs or general operating expenses, with environmental education grants reviewed in the spring.
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