The L.B. Research and Education Foundation supports US-based nonprofit organizations, focusing on addressing education opportunity gaps influenced by various socio-demographic factors, and on promoting health by funding innovative research and programs aimed at vulnerable populations. It prioritizes educational initiatives that encourage independent thinking and alternative learning paths for adolescents and adults, as well as health projects that address disparities, advance medical research affordably, and combat mental health stigma.
The grant program from the L.B. Research and Education Foundation is designed to support nonprofit organizations that align with its priority areas, notably in education and health. For education, it seeks inventive programs that increase engagement and achievement among populations facing opportunity gaps, specifically targeting adolescents, post-secondary education, and adult vocational training. In health, the foundation funds programs and research aimed at addressing prevalent issues in vulnerable groups, fostering innovation in low-cost medical research, evaluating health programming, and removing the stigma associated with mental illness. Grant amounts for first-time applicants vary from $10,000 to $35,000 for a one-year period, with the possibility for established grantees to receive up to $75,000.
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