ABQ Involved Grant

From Albuquerque Involved

Albuquerque Involved serves those who want to connect with their community but struggle to find the time or place to start. We make it easy for busy individuals and families to get involved in giving and service to nonprofits in our greater Albuquerque community. Our hope is for members to find agencies that ignite their passion and inspire them to get involved in those nonprofits directly.

Type of Support


The text does not provide specific details about a grant program, including its broad goals, guiding principles, or the specific causes it supports. It focuses on the mission of Albuquerque Involved.


Organization's Location
quis quis
Program Location
aliquip et anim cillum ipsum eu cupidatat fugiat minim
Organization Type
Ad voluptate qui reprehenderit consectetur eu
  • tempor laborum irure mollit ea esse
not specified


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