Enchanted Life Foundation Grant

The Enchanted Life Foundation (ELF) aims to provide charitable and educational opportunities to individuals and communities in the ten southern counties of New Mexico and beyond. Initially focused on this region, including the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces, ELF’s mission encompasses assistance without geographical limits within the United States, aiming to support those in need of educational and social aid.

Type of Support


ELF’s grant program focuses on a variety of causes primarily within the ten southern counties of New Mexico but is not limited to this area. Its funding priorities include: supporting the educational and social needs of the communities; promoting English language proficiency for social justice and economic advancement; awarding scholarships and collaborating with educational institutions for the benefit of future generations; fostering adult faith formation within the Roman Catholic tradition; aiding in religious retirement and supporting religious communities; and assisting the infrastructure and material needs of the parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces. ELF is inclusive in its support efforts, assisting all people regardless of faith in addressing educational and social needs.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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