Hilles Fund Grant

The mission of the Hilles Fund is to support programs serving those with the greatest needs in Philadelphia and the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, focusing on low-income children, youth, and women towards achieving economic independence and self-sufficiency. The Fund aims to make an impact with modest grants, enhancing education, youth and community development.

Type of Support


The Hilles Fund emphasizes providing assistance to the most needy within Philadelphia and select counties in Vermont, offering support to both established and innovative programs. The grants, ranging from $4,000 to $10,000, are directed at organizations that can demonstrate a significant impact from these amounts. Focused areas include education, youth development, and community development, with specific investment in strategies that promote development and learning in children, academic and employment readiness in youth, barriers removal for women and girls towards self-sufficiency, and community improvement efforts. Special consideration is given to organizations with operating budgets below $2 million.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
4k – 10k


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