Alternative Fuel Foundation Grant

From Alternative Fuel Foundation

The Alternative Fuel Foundation, Inc. aims to prevent used cooking oil from entering animal feed and instead, converts it into clean-burning biofuel. This initiative offsets carbon emissions by replacing traditional fossil fuels. Proceeds support the foundation’s growth and fund educational projects promoting sustainability.

Type of Support


The grant program targets educational institutions, offering financial support for developing renewable energy, environmental sustainability, and earth stewardship programs. Grants typically range from $250-$500, with larger amounts considered individually. Applicants are informed of their status around 60 days post-application.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Non-profit public or private K-12 schools
Parent groups with an independent tax ID and official 501(c)(3) status
  • Pre-schools are not eligible
  • Projects must be completed within one year of receiving the grant
  • A previously funded group can only re-apply 12 months after the original award
  • If unsuccessful in one grant cycle, may re-apply in the next cycle


Individuals or organizations seeking funds for memorials
Those looking to cover stipends or salaries
Applicants wishing to finance artists in residence programs
Entities interested in funding field trips
Parties intending to provide scholarships
Those aiming to redirect funds as third party funding.
250 – 500


Review Criteria

Preference is given to funding applications that focus on increasing awareness and utilization of alternative fuels or advocate for sustainability principles. Proposals that seek to enhance parental engagement and foster a more robust sense of community cohesion are especially encouraged. Please note, a maximum of 10% of any provided grant may be allocated to external resources, including labor, installation, consulting, and delivery costs.