AASM: Diversity Supplement Grant

From American Academy of Sleep Medicine Foundation

The mission of the AASM Foundation is to lead the field in academic sleep medicine in terms of research and education, aiming to enhance sleep health for all through funding initiatives. The RLS Foundation focuses on improving care and seeking cures for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome through research, education, and connecting communities.

Type of Support


The Diversity Supplement Grant aims to improve workforce diversity in the sleep and circadian science fields by providing supplemental funds to active research grants. This initiative supports individuals from groups underrepresented in biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences. The grant caters to investigators who already hold an active research grant, offering them an opportunity to support mentored research training for promising students, post-doctoral fellows, and clinical fellows from minority groups traditionally underrepresented in US science. The grant focuses on projects that address key scientific questions related to sleep and circadian science, sleeping disorders, or sleep health. These projects should offer meaningful research experience to stimulate and retain interest in sleep research careers and develop candidates' research capabilities. The funding can cover up to 20% of the parent research grant, with a maximum of $50,000, for a period ranging from 8 weeks to 3 years, depending on the duration of the parent grant. Funds are intended for salary support for mentored research projects.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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  • velit reprehenderit incididunt in proident exercitation cillum mollit nisi deserunt deserunt aliqua
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Aliquip ut
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Fugiat fugiat dolore elit laborum eiusmod incididunt sunt nisi sunt ullamco deserunt
Quis ut nisi culpa
up to 50k


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