Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program

From Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) aims to advance the understanding of basic and biomedical sciences, including areas such as plant biology, evolutionary biology, biophysics, chemical biology, biomedical engineering, and computational biology. HHMI supports creative and innovative scientists through flexible funding to pursue high-risk/high-reward projects. It emphasizes the importance of diverse perspectives in driving scientific discovery forward, fostering an inclusive community that encourages collaboration among researchers of varying backgrounds.

Type of Support


The Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program supports exceptional scientists in immersive research endeavors by offering a significant financial package and professional development opportunities. Scholars benefit from a ten-year appointment, during which they receive comprehensive funding (up to $8.6 million) for salaries, benefits, and research budgets that escalate from $400,000 annually in the first half to $600,000 in the latter half. Additionally, the program covers eligibility for the HHMI capital equipment program. Scholars are mandated to dedicate a majority of their time (at least 80%) to research, with flexibility to engage in a limited range of related professional activities. Central to the program’s philosophy is the encouragement of scientific autonomy, enabling scholars to pivot their research focus according to their curiosity. Equally critical is the commitment to fostering an inclusive laboratory environment, emphasizing the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in scientific training and mentorship. This approach aims not only to enrich the current scientific landscape but also to lay a robust foundation for nurturing future generations of scientists. The program underscores the significance of combining research excellence with proactive leadership and mentorship in creating a more inclusive and dynamic scientific community.


Organization's Location
sint eu
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 8.6M


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