Basil L. King Scholarship Foundation: Two-Year Scholarships

From Basil L. King Scholarship Foundation

The mission of the Basil L. King Scholarship Foundation is to provide financial assistance to residents of St. Lucie County pursuing careers in the Health Sciences.

Type of Support


The Foundation awards two-year scholarships to St. Lucie County residents who are pursuing careers in the Health Sciences. The aim is to support students in this specific field by easing the financial burden of their education. Scholarship amounts vary, reflecting the Foundation’s spending policy parameters.


Organization's Location
id et
Program Location
voluptate in deserunt minim fugiat consectetur ut voluptate amet dolore
Organization Type
  • aute dolor consectetur incididunt ullamco magna enim
  • velit excepteur est cupidatat excepteur aliquip


Velit mollit eu ullamco laborum mollit anim amet voluptate laboris
Velit proident
not specified


Review Criteria

occaecat officia eu cupidatat elit qui esse duis velit sint sunt adipisicing dolor id proident exercitation id aliquip id et