(The mission of the funder wasn't explicitly provided in the text, so this section is left blank based on the instructions.)
The AALAS Grants for Laboratory Animal Science (GLAS) program, established in 2006, aims to enhance scientific knowledge in the field of laboratory animal science. It supports research focusing on various aspects such as environmental conditions, housing and enrichment, pain and distress, health and welfare, euthanasia, and advancements in animal care and use. The program encourages adherence to rigorous scientific methodologies as advocated by the NIH. It offers Small Grants for research that answers significant scientific questions through small-scale studies, serves as pilot data for future funding proposals, are proof-of-principle studies, or generate data that could influence management or technical practices within animal facilities. The application review emphasizes relevance to the GLAS mission, innovation, potential impact on the field, need for small grant support, and project feasibility.