The Andres Memorial Trust Grant

    From The Andres Memorial Trust

    To inspire superior accomplishments in public service in Floyd County, Iowa through grants. The trust focuses on capital needs of specified organizations, and supports charitable hospitals, medical treatment for the aged, medical research, and housing for the aged or indigent.

    Type of Support


    The Andres Memorial Trust Grant aims to inspire superior accomplishments in public service in Floyd County, Iowa through grants for capital needs of organizations specified by the grantor and to other charitable hospitals, organizations that provide medical treatment to the aged, medical research, and housing to the aged or indigent. The grant supports health, human services, and public/society benefits. Grants are limited to capital needs of hospitals, facilities for medical research, facilities for the treatment of diseases or afflictions of aging persons, homes for the aged, homes for the indigent, and specific organizations named by the grantors.


    Organization's Location
    velit sunt
    Program Location
    amet sint voluptate
    Organization Type
    Aute cupidatat
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    Exercitation consequat
    Anim labore culpa ea
    Mollit et labore


    Review Criteria
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