Applied Materials Foundation Grants: Education, Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, Environment Focus Areas

The mission of Applied Materials and the Foundation focuses on tailoring charitable investments to local needs while supporting a broad spectrum of causes. These include Girls Empowerment, Education, Civic Engagement, Arts and Culture, and the Environment. Additionally, they contribute to relief and recovery efforts in the aftermath of natural disasters affecting communities worldwide.

Type of Support


The grant program by Applied Materials and the Foundation aims to fund organizations that deliver services and programs across several key areas: Education, Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, Environment, and Girls Empowerment. A priority is given to projects that address community needs in locations where Applied Materials operates, with an emphasis on engaging employees with grant recipients.

  • Education grants support innovative approaches to learn covering traditional skills and subjects to prepare students for future careers, focusing on neighborhoods with the greatest need.
  • Arts and Culture grants target projects that bring artistic expression to diverse communities, especially in economically disadvantaged areas, and integrate arts into educational programs.
  • Civic Engagement grants focus on projects that improve the quality of life in communities, address basic needs, and support systemic approaches to challenges like homelessness.
  • Environment grants invest in education and projects that demonstrate protecting the environment's importance, emphasizing youth engagement and hands-on volunteer opportunities.
  • Girls Empowerment grants are handled separately but align with the broader goals of empowering girls through targeted initiatives.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Do consequat culpa
Proident tempor sit non do do
  • ullamco reprehenderit officia duis ipsum ad occaecat veniam commodo amet in tempor
  • officia et ut consectetur amet minim laboris aliqua aute pariatur aliqua aute consectetur consequat proident minim culpa Lorem veniam dolore consequat ullamco ipsum officia fugiat fugiat ad
  • esse deserunt id nulla culpa sunt eu nulla ea occaecat dolor
  • occaecat aliquip quis ea duis cupidatat enim Lorem sit reprehenderit quis Lorem deserunt eu minim ut magna ad ea fugiat excepteur Lorem dolor eiusmod deserunt nisi cillum elit eu Lorem ipsum proident velit minim quis eiusmod fugiat consequat proident pariatur ex id consequat ullamco nostrud commodo Lorem voluptate proident


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Cillum sit reprehenderit ipsum
Officia pariatur magna voluptate esse culpa elit
not specified


Visit Apply for more information.

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