Arata Brothers Trust Grant

To enhance the quality of life in the Sacramento area by supporting systemic change through innovative and effective educational programs. The Arata Brothers Trust focuses its efforts on funding educational activities that promote future self-sufficiency and intelligence enhancement, continuing a legacy started by the Arata brothers who valued the Sacramento community and prioritized benefits to children.

Type of Support


The Arata Brothers Trust, deriving from the success of Arata Brothers Grocers, maintains a strong commitment to the Sacramento community, evident in their grant-making preferences. Their primary goals include supporting local grantees and focusing on educational programs that benefit children, aiming to foster self-sufficiency and enhance intelligence. With a history of over 35 years in grant funding and more than $16 million granted primarily within the Sacramento region, the Trust upholds a strategy of generating significant impacts through carefully selected educational initiatives.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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not specified


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