Archstone Foundation Capacity Building Grants

Archstone Foundation is committed to integrating health and social services through coordinated investments in promoting teams, enhancing training, and improving technology. Their vision revolves around creating coordinated care, particularly focused on supporting older adults and their caregivers in California.

Type of Support


Capacity Building grants are designed to offer up to $50,000 to nonprofit organizations directly serving older adults and their caregivers in California to help them work more efficiently and effectively, targeting development at a structural level. The grants cover various areas such as planning activities, board and leadership development, strategic relationships, internal operations, technology improvements, developing new sources for earned income, building evaluation capacity, and evidence-based program adaptation or implementation. The focus is on aiding organizations in achieving new levels of organizational strength and effectiveness without covering routine core operating expenses or providing ongoing programmatic support.


Organization's Location
aute dolore
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 50k


Step 1: occaecat non sunt
Step 2: ut amet (excepteur pariatur)