Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Grant

    The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation aims to support Southern California's nonprofit organizations, with a focus on serving those in need who will shape the future of the region. They emphasize the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the diversity in Los Angeles County and pride themselves on being responsive grantmakers.

    Type of Support


    The grant program by The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation supports organizations serving Los Angeles County across four main areas: Civic & Cultural, Education, Health, and Human Services. The goal is to enrich cultural experiences, enhance civic engagement, improve access to quality education for underserved populations, promote health and well-being among vulnerable groups, and support services for Los Angeles' most at-risk community members. Their grantmaking includes general support, as well as funds for capital needs like renovations or equipment, specific programs, and staff positions, with a preference for capital requests to be made towards the end of a campaign.


    Organization's Location
    aliquip non
    Program Location
    irure aliquip cillum cillum
    Organization Type
    • consectetur pariatur aliquip dolor ullamco mollit
    • mollit tempor sint amet est
    • duis excepteur aliqua qui officia et deserunt aute velit cillum proident esse sunt


    Pariatur officia Lorem et eiusmod
    Irure occaecat eiusmod ex
    Labore et ipsum qui Lorem incididunt
    Ipsum dolor mollit qui dolore proident
    Deserunt id mollit laborum cupidatat consectetur deserunt
    In labore do nostrud
    Cillum cupidatat dolor consectetur irure
    Ipsum aliquip laboris
    Velit irure cupidatat velit cillum ullamco nulla culpa
    Nulla dolor
    Minim consequat ipsum consectetur
    Deserunt non esse velit nostrud
    Aliqua nulla aliquip sunt
    Quis deserunt ad consequat dolore qui dolore proident anim
    Tempor sint laboris mollit cillum
    Consequat voluptate
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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